The library is excited to welcome you to a Badger Talk with Dr. Jim Lattis, just in time for the April 8 solar eclipse!
This talk introduces the stars, constellations, and interesting objects of the current season sky. We’ll talk about observing the brighter planets and how to find them in the night sky, along with other objects suitable for amateur observing. We’ll also feature any important eclipses, meteor showers, or other interesting astronomical events visible in the near future, as well as observing tips and the astronomical use of telescopes and binoculars.
Jim Lattis holds a Ph.D. in History of Science from UW–Madison and is the author of many publications in that field. He helped create UW Space Place, the outreach and public education center of the UW–Madison Astronomy Department and has directed it since its founding. He manages historic Washburn Observatory, teaches courses in introductory astronomy and its history, gives frequent public talks, and consults widely for the media (including UW Communications, Wisconsin and National Public Radio, and other national networks and newspapers). He has also led many trips focused on astronomical tourism.
The talk will be held on Thursday, March 21 at 6:00 PM in the library Auditorium. Advance registration is encouraged, though not required. Note that eclipse glasses will be given out to participants at this talk who have registered for the event. Register on the library website: